Friday, February 20, 2009

I am so proud of my Hubby.  He has been working many hours and sacrificing a lot to get ready for his Thesis show coming up.  The countdown is on - 3 weeks and counting.  It is going to be awesome!

Real Live Ninjas

Sydney and Royston are on some kind of a ninja kick as documented in the above pics.  Royston will ask if there are really "real" ninjas in the world right now.  I tell him sure (there could be for all I know), and then he gets this sort of ...shall we say devilish... grin on his face and runs off to practice doing all those ninja-like things he does.
They had a blast taking these pics with Ty, the movie will come out at later date.   I am glad that they have a dad who can get into this kind of thing with them as this is far out of my range of abilities as a mother.  Thank you, Ty!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Am I okay?

Yup, I finally did it.  After all the friendly persuasion from many loved ones I have caved in and made a blog for our family.  We will see how long this actually lasts for, but for now I am excited to be able to share some of our unique moments with ya'll.  For good or ill, here we go...