Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fun Dinner and a Fantastic Haircut Tirade

Tyler and I ditched the kids last weekend (thanks, Aunt Trishie!) and had dinner with some friends at Benihana downtown.  The company and entertainment were better than the food, but I am glad that we went.  Happy 30th, Jamie!  We had a great time.

So Royce just had a fabulous haircut - and I do mean fabulous.  The real way.  Many times we can't make it to SL to get haircuts so we get stuck getting them here, and I am so tired of people asking me what number clipper guard I want them to use.  Let me get this straight, you are the trained professional who spent 2 years learning how to cut hair and you still need to use the guards?  Isn't that like me taking professional bike riding lessons yet still using my training wheels...?  Hmm...    I just want to pay you to cut my son's hair and trust that you can actually do it- you know, taper and all.  And no, I don't want to have to tell you what number to use.


  1. Ohh a getaway. I've never been to Benihana, it sounds fun. We will miss you on Friday!

  2. Just bring him to our house-I can do the clipper guards!
